Monday, February 8, 2016

Human/Technology Interface

 Technology is the foundation of healthcare in the future. Patient care has become the focus of innovative technological developments and concepts that help to reduce costs, increase patient outcomes and satisfaction and improve clinical processes. This is a result of the realignment of the reimbursement schedule revolving around patient outcomes, patient satisfaction and reduction of costs. The healthcare industry understands that there needs to be communication between information technology and practitioners for this to be effective in the implementation throughout the organization. The balancing act comes into play for nurses between hands on patient care and technology advancements. We do not want to lose the caring aspect of the profession of nursing by being focused on the technology task. Hence the development of the specialized nursing practice of informatics. An equal amount of information science and nursing science. Patients still feel they are getting the best quality, safe care and the providers are using cutting edge technology to improve outcomes and reduce costs.

 Some examples of human-technology interfacing are:

  • Mobile Health Strategies- apps on the electronic devices that are useful for managing symptoms, preventative care, health restoration or a monitoring regime.
  • Tele-health Strategies- monitoring in the home , consultation, and disease management are all examples of ways that providers can interact with the patients at home
  • Personally Delivered Health Messages- behavior changing messages are sent using a patient portal as text messages, emails or automated phone calls. Providers are aware of the messages sent to the patient and can reinforce the message at appointments. It is shown that patients that receive these messages have a better chance of changing negative behavior than those that do not receive them.
  •  Electronic Health Records (EHR) - an electronic documentation tool that allows all medical records to be in one location to ensure the best quality care is available for the patient. An EHR is a database of clinical information about the patient. It allows for information to be shared throughout the continuum of care with all treating providers.

Exemplar Scenario:

                  One examples of a way that the nurses are giving medications in a safe way, is with a new system that identifies who the patient is prior to handing the medication to the patient. There is a wand hooked up to the computer on the cart with wheels. When it is the patient's turn for medication, the nurse touches the patient's name bracelet with the wand to identify who the patient is. The computer reads the patient's name and makes sure that it is the same patient that is supposed to be receiving the medication. The computer also verifies that it is time for that patient to receive their medication and makes sure that the patient does not have any negative reactions to the medication they are about to receive. This new system is a great example of how technology is making nursing practice safer and more efficient. This new system will decrease medication mistakes and improve the process of handing out medications. This system allows the nurse to communicate with the patient, explain what they are giving them and educate them about possible side effects. A nurse still has to hand the medication to the patient and is able to interact while decreasing mistakes and improving efficiency.

Nursing Informatics                                                         Healthcare Information Technology 



 Cassano, C. (2014, October). The right balance- technology and patient care. Online Journal of Nursing Informatics, 18(3).

     Gephart, S., & Effken, J. A. (2013, October). Issues, impacts and insights column. Online Journal of Nursing Informatics, 17(3).

Retrieved on February 8, 2016 from

Retrieved on February 6, 2016 from

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